- 3 points craft of presentation and its imagery
- 15 points no less than 3 typeface designs (5 points per example) for possible pursuit shown as found type that you've photographed or drawings you've made on your own
- 15 points specifying where each of your typefaces could be used appropriately in print and/or digital and/or environmental applications
- 3 points presentation, professionalism, following directions
- presented as a 11-inch wide by 8.5-inch high multi-page PDF in class at the Windows workstation, and also copied to our Turnstile_2 folder
Wednesday Feb. 13 worth 30 points, Final Typeface Proposal: presenting your narrowed-down direction and identifying the glyphs you will make, be they uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, math symbols, symbols, graphics, icons, etc.; you will need to have a total of 52 glyphs for the Final Typeface Design; examples of 52 glyphs include 26 uppercase plus 26 lowercase, or 26 uppercase plus 10 numerals and 16 punctuation, or 26 uppercase plus 26 alternate characters, or make a layered typeface with 26 uppercase and 26 uppercase fills and/or outlines to transform the uppercase, etc., layered examples include Sullivan, as well as fonts by Terrance Weinzierl such as Pizza Press
- 10 points at least 1 typeface design you will pursue for the remainder of the semester, showing at least 10 glyphs that serve as an example: example glyphs you show must include ZHORL or zhorl; if you'll only do uppers or only do lowers, then show ZHORL (or zhorl), and 5 other glyphs, be they numbers or punctuation, or symbols (show 10 sample glyphs in all, at 1 point for each glyph) may be drawn by hand or drawn using Adobe Illustrator
- 10 points specifying what complete glyph set you will make in total (see the examples above about the 52 combination examples), you may type your glyph set for this presentation using any typeface; in other words, you don't have to design your typeface's 52 glyphs for this proposal
- 5 points specifying 5 places/applications where your typeface could be appropriately used in print and/or digital and/or environmental and/or signage/wayfinding areas, among others, show examples as photograph, design prototypes, or other visuals
- 5 points presentation, professionalism, following directions
- recommended presentation: 11-inch wide by 8.5-inch high multi-page PDF shown in class at the Windows workstation, and also copied to our Turnstile_2 folder
This post will be updated with more information as the semester progresses, and we will discuss the Research, Proposal, and Design components in class as we near the first of the above deadlines.
Examples from prior semesters will be placed in Turnstile_2’s VCOM 358 folder for your reference.