- understand 3D space in digital and physical domains
- experiment with 2D typography fused with, within, or onto a 3D space
- apply your knowledge of typography, kerning, and tracking to digital and 3D space
- apply what you have learned from the Digital Type Exercise
- physically install this, actually building it in 3D space
- manipulate photography, illustration, and typography, to "fake it" in Photoshop
- do a combination of the two methods above
- Media or Medium: open
- Size, Scope: open
- Color: open
- Documentation: 4-6 photographs, ideally high-resolution
- Optional: a 30-40 second video showing the space as a walk-through or other experience
Worth 100 points
- 10% craft: rendered typography, phrase, quote
- 20% legibility and readability
- 30% composition: design in the environment
- 20% conceptual merit, uniqueness
- 20% presentation/professionalism